Monday, October 18, 2010

A Passage to India تأليف: E.M.Forester

We are very proud to present this book that includes the great social and political novel "a passage to India", and very valuable notes about author, detailed summaries for every chapter, and comments on the novel. These notes are written in a simplified and clear way, so as to allow the ESL students, especially in the Arab countries, to comprehend the underlying meanings in the novel without the need to refer to other sources or even to resort the dictionary in order to explore the meanings of new words and expressions. The glossary that accompanies the novel is of great convenience; it includes more than 1000 new words and expressions, which helps one enjoy reading this highly interesting novel without any interruptions to go back to the dictionary. Each chapter is carefully summarized, so that all the necessary details are presented to give the reader a full picture about what is going on in this story. This is all written in an interesting easy style, so a reader would continue the reading with enthusiasm from the beginning till the end of the novel, grasping the outside obvious meaning and the underlying hidden meaning as well. In short; this book is of great benefit and of unlimited help to the Arab students in both the secondary stages and university. We hope it will gain the satisfaction and appreciation of teachers and professors in schools and colleges, especially in the Arab world. Other novels from the world literature will hopefully be soon issued in the same way, so our dear reader will have the opportunity to read easily and comprehend in the deep these famous novels.


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